Senior Care vs. Geriatric Care

There is no way to categorize all pets over the age of seven into a single group. Much like a 60 or 70 year-old person is not the same as an 80 or 90 year-old, we try to separate our "seniors" into two categories. 

  • Senior: for animals over 7 and usually less than 11 or 12.

  • Geriatric: for animals over 11 or 12. 

The senior pet is generally still healthy, and requires little additional care. The biggest problems in this group are dental disease and increased need for weight management' Minor adjustments to food choice and portion control can help prevent worse conditions down the road such as arthritis, diabetes, and cancers- all more likely for overweight pets. 

Geriatric pets usually have more advanced and multiple problems. These pets require much more of a commitment to comprehensive care, as they often need multiple medications to keep them comfortable and may have lost some vision, hearing, and mental capacity as well. 

We all worry about our pets as they age. We see their muzzles turn grey, we notice them slowing down on their walks, or we see them sleep more and more. Our practice is devoted to all pets through all phases of life. This section provides you with all the information you need to ensure that your pet stays healthy and active for as long as possible. When we are no longer able to help, you can find options here for a peaceful good bye. 


Delayed Spay and Neuter in Dogs


Current Dietary Recommendations