
Dental health is vital to the overall health of your pet.

Dental health starts as a puppy, as you teach your dog to chew a variety of chews and you feed your cats a healthy combination of canned and dry food. Both puppies and kittens will benefit from learning to have their mouths touched and teeth brushed. It can be a game followed by treats and it will have life-long benefits.

We love dental care and education. We perform many dental cleanings and complex dentals with extractions. We perform thorough oral exams and full mouth digital radiographs on every sedated dental procedure. We learn a lot about each pet’s teeth! More than 60% of the tooth is under the gum line, so radiographs are essential to fully evaluate your pet.

Cats have special dental conditions that can cause them a great deal of pain. Some felines develop unusual conditions, such as external root resorption or plasmacytic lymphomatic gingivitis, which require dental surgery to relieve suffering.